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About Section


Time has come to obliterate realities that have become obsolete; Holding on to the past in whatever shape or form keeps energy stuck. Energy that could be used in the now. Stuck energy is the primary reason for insomnia, illness, chronic pain, addiction and anxiety. Balsamic Sessions is an internal Quantum Technology connected to Lemuria and promote a reset in the Light Body. The Light Body is the inner body that commands all others (physical, mental, emotional, astral).. What doesn't serve our purpose in life must be cleared away so that we are always up to date with high frequency updates to the light body. The side effects are peace, introspection and healing to mind, body and emotion. True healing can only be achieved if the inner being is addressed. No matter how much inner work you've already done, this is a powerful method to catch up with your inner being. As we undergo such massive planetary shifts, your true efforts will bear fruits of light and transformation to yourself and the World, amongst your Earth family and the whole collective consciousness.


Major benefits of Balsamic Sessions

Relax & Restore

Release from what binds

Heal yourself

Love yourSelf

Find your core

Upgrade the Light Body

Balsamic Sessions

All sessions happen the same way:

1. You share your three major life questions and physical, mental and emotional issues to work on.

2. You lay down comfortably in a quiet space for one hour, best with headphones.

3. We will get left and right brain to work together as one. Brain coherence.

4. With my balsamic voice you will be guided through questions opening pathways to higher timelines.

5. You will remain completely awake and aware during the session. 

6. You will most likely have a deep Non Ordinary Experience of Consciousness to remember.


The work has three phases. We operate on the level of the light body to the toroidal field.

The light body commands the Physical, Etheric, Emotional, Mental, Casual and Spiritual Bodies.

Work at this level can transform life in many ways that you are aware of, and not.


Phase I - Clear obsolete realities

Discover what is the light body and what is creation space. The lack of inspiration and stress happen when the light body is full of unnecessary stuff. First the garbage can must be cleared, and interference removed.


Phase II - Setting Space & Structure

 Your life is sacred and not a hub for Entity Attachment, contracts, AI, parasites. Here you will set the space to your light body of what to accept and not in the life experience. From the pure energy level we touch all realms, including the physical. Life is YOUR creation. Not the government's, not your fears' and especially, not other people's. Claim your sovereignty.


Phase III - Weave reality

Here we go deep into the unconscious ancestral and cosmic layers to open the pathways for the Divine being to express itself. Any recurring patterns, relationship and sexual life issues are addressed here. Work here is to guide towards the weaving of the new reality. This will boost your work in the crystalline grid and collective consciousness of Earth.

Birthing Balsamic Sessions

Balsamic Sessions has a blueprint, which is a map, and it was drawn when I was six years old. Throughout life these symbols started to reveal their meaning, and I gradually received those Mental Healing (Cura Mental) codes.


I have been trained as a QHHT Practitioner by Dolores' Cannon and have done over 150 sessions. Through the past three years, I have had a Monasterial Training in Nature, and internally I was given these Balsamic Sessions.


It is an Internal Quantum Technology. Such work is done by Wilhem Reich, Dolores Cannon, Amorah Quan Yin and Drunvalo Melchiezedek. Can be used for weather modification, manifestation with nature and many other miracles. It is based on our internal integration with the fact that Everything is One. This is the core of Lemurian Technology. I am walking you through this process with the assistance of a team of Light on the other side.


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