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Balsamic Sessions is a Consciousness Technology that offers healing on a higher level, which is the key to transform the denser and more material levels. We will have a one and a half hour session where you'll be laying down and relaxing like you probably never have before. 


With one session you will notice inner and outer healing, much better sleep, lighter flow of emotion and a clearer head. We conduct the sessions online, preferrably with headphones.


I've been offering QHHT sessions for five years with over 150 sessions. I have a gentle and soothing energy and voice, and I love to make people feel loved, connected and relaxed.


This has always been my major skill and I'm happy to be offering my own method using all tools I have been trained for.  Balsamic Sessions' major principle is focused on empowering clients to activate their own inner healing capacity and achieve quantum leaps in their evolution.


This is an internal quantum technology, which is based on the principle of Oneness with everything, and it is where miracles can be achieved. Other people who work on this level are Amorah Quan Yin, Drunvalo Melchiezedek, Dolores Cannon and Wilhem Reich. Internal Quantum Technology is the basis of Lemurian work, whereas External is the basis of Atlantean work, building actual physical structures such as MedBeds. 



“I found it so interesting that I cried during the session. Since I broke up with the father of my child I blocked my crying, and this was three years ago. Such a transformation. It feels liberating and renewing to clear the field. Now I understand what this means and I can't believe how messy it was before. Thank you Marina I want part two already!”
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