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Quantum Technology, Divine Union and the Holy Trinity

Nov 21, 2023

5 min read



Eons ago, Earth and Humanity were entirely different than what it is now. Most of the records and memories that we can see have been stolen or destroyed. There is one major key record that is impossible to be stolen or destroyed and it lives inside each of us.

People who usually see purely through the mind and are too involved with mainstream Science tend to judge the word Quantum on a healing spiritual sense and I am here to destroy this judgement with a simple yet scientific understanding of how it all works.

Quantum, Trinity and Divine Child are intrinsically interconnected ideas. They represent the fundamental process to upgrade our personal lives, the well being of humanity and the harmony of Earth and all its creatures.

Divine Union

The concept of Twin Flames and Divine Union has been a widely discussed topic. The challenge of our Earth experience is to become living embodiments of Source, God/dess and turn this reality into a Dream. To truly live and fulfilll our dreams.

Our nature of innocence has made us trust others prior to ourselves, because most times they seem to know the answer more than we think we do. Since we bought into this lie we all ended up severely mentally programmed. We use our sacred energy to pursue basic things that we deserve simply by being human. Food, shelter, water, love. To actively have those things as an inalienable right. We don't need to use all of our energy in search of such things because we are here for more than just living, eating, working and procreating.

The mental program has created major urge for sexual and emotional fulfillment, in which we project OUTSIDE something that can only be fulfilled INSIDE in order to happen outside. Of course, outside is nice, but until it is met inside it does not truly fulfill and we may end up in beautiful relationships and partners yet struggle to find true peace, happiness and harmony in Creation. It is easy to get caught up in the day to day problems, especially of two people.

Work, money and housing aside

Sexual and emotional urge to connect aside

What is it that we have here - and will never die?

Our relationship with ourselves.

Always and only what we have for sure is that we are the embodiment of our own consciousness, story and Soul. So Divine Union means that we truly become what we are in our highest expression, and that has three major aspects.

The Father: The God, Divine Father, is the principle of expansion. To go outwards into the celestial realms and outer world. Our biological father teaches us to go out and explore life, to discover. And that's what our Divine Father, who lives within, does as well. It also means electricity and the Higher Mind and the Sun. It is the part of us that tells us which way to go in order to move forward. Expand to the direction of our inner desires and dreams. Any issue in the family related to the father compromises our own connection to our own relationship to expansion in life. Internally AND externally.

The Mother: The Goddess, Divine Mother, is the principle of contraction. To go inwards into the deepest roots and inner world. Our biological mother teaches us to go inside ourselves and know ourselves from the core. The Divine Mother, who lives within us, represents this part. It is also magnetism and the Sacred Womb where all creation can occur. It tells us that everything we see is us, and everything and everyone we know is within us. It knows no separation and it is the environment in which it can all be created. With a sick dense environment there is no harmonious creation. Internally AND externally.

This image shows us that we are a product of our own environment, and that we create based on what we take in. Father is not more important than Mother, both are equals. Without the Father there is just pure potentiality, and without the Mother there is just expansion without it necessarily being healthy.

The middle between IN and OUT is the manifested seen Universe. This means that we have massive potential to shift our reality as we learn to use our own consciousness technology. It is how we destroy the sick old reality. We want to see and experience the new, and for that we must clear it and seed it nice seeds.

Understanding and embodying the power of the two births the third. It is the magic that underlies all Universe. The magic of love. The Divine Child. The Nikola Tesla 369. It is the majestic birth of existence.

The Divine Child is our integration with Christ Consciousness. It is to expand and do what is on the path of unconditional love to all. It's to listen to yourself and your own goals and ideals reaching out into the World in service to others. It is to reach such massive connection to all that your actions in the physical become portals of transformtion and empowerment of others. We learn that we are only truly free when all of us are free, because we are One deep into the roots of the Earth. And that we can reach for the highest stars and dreams, and the most powerful it will be as we can do this together. We also do this as One on an energetic level, while individuated towards our own personal talents and uniquenesses.

The Holy Trinity

As Divine Mother and Divine Father meet in Holy Matrimony within, Divine Child is birthed and we now can meet and experience the Holy Trinity.

Getting to the Celtic Knot, it represents the portal that opens as we access the Holy Trinity. It is a portal of Oneness and connection to the whole of planets and lives and galaxies that are vibrating at this same level of empowerment. Love created by connecting to all while seeking expansion.

Notice that all leaves are the same size, and there is no differentiation wheter left is the Mother, right is the Father or whatever. They are the same. The balance to expand, to feel all as One single organism and to be the love we wish to see become the alchemical ingredients to take part of the whole of galactic civilizations and Universes.

The circle between the petals represent the Creation itself. This is the recipe for Creation. Relax and reflect on this to find the inner balance to contribute with your highest power to this Great Work.

Christos Consciousness. To become a Crystal. To become living embodiments of Truth. It is how the higher forces can truly assist us, we become part of something more. A child is and can be birthed.

This is what it means to go Quantum.

When magnetism and electricity finds their perfect balance.

A third energy is born.

Divine Child, limitless, sovereign and free.

Ever connected to the powers that be. Ever aware of all. Rooted as an organism that belongs to a living creation. And connected to the skies constantly pursuing more. And powerful. To merge all this power into One. With the One. Our spiritual teams have maximum potential to assist us at this level. Our higher self can work with us best with this level.

And we can and must work our hearts and mind to find that state within and keep it. It is on us, but there are powerful tools to make deeper sense of this.

The quantum technology that is internal, such as Balsamic Sessions, works straight with your light body using heart and mind. As one.

Book your session here.

Nov 21, 2023

5 min read



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