Secret not so secret keys to cocreation, manifestation & expansion
Jan 26
6 min read
As background for this text I recommend you to read the one we published about Quantum Technology, Divine Union and the Holy Trinity by clicking here. You can also listen to these keys through an YouTube video by clicking here.
Humanity is the Integral of two major principles. The two are one, and this one is the third element which is the stem cell to create anything else. Think of this in terms of energy, the concept which we talk about is energy. Energy is potential - to do/create/be anything. These two can be seen as positive and negative, masculine and feminine, light and dark, electric and magnetic. All is one and only, so this apparent division is simply the foundation that our reality is built upon. Energetically.
Also since everything is in constant motion, the stack of energy that we are creates an electromagnetic field that spirals inward and outward, creating the shape of a toroid from head to toe. So the energy moves outward to the perceived reality from the Head and then inward through the feet rising up through the spine (Kundalini) and move outward again to the external reality.
Positive, masculine, seen, active, electrical are what connects us from the Head "up" to the celestial realms by the celestial bodies (Ba), and they are the concept of light and content, matter. This includes the cosmic history, origins and DNA each one is a part of.
Negative, feminine, unseen, inward, magnetic are what connects us from the material reality into the body through feet, it is the root. It is the physical body (Khat), and is is all the input that is what we take in to form our reality. This means it is everything we see, know, what we are and do not now, our blood history, physical origins and structural DNA each person has.
The active, electrical part of Self relates to the left brain and right side of the body. Also the sympathetic nervous system, which responds, moves and is the one who acts when upon fight or flight mode in stressful/survival situations.
The inward, magnetic part of self relates to the right brain and left side of the body. Also the parasympathetic nervous system, which is more quiet because it listens, conserves energy, regulates body functions, heals and restores the body.
The foundation of society in relation to this energy is as follows: human beings are constantly on flight or fight mode due to consistent interruption of full rest by trauma (Trauma Based Mind Control), mental programming, energy imabalances and sensory overload (food flavoring, bright colors, loud background noise, use of colors for marketing and man made environment.
This means that the expression of electric energy in our life is constant, whereas the expression of magnetic energy tends to happen less. And when it happens it is interrupted, so it can never go so deep. Meanwhile a lot of fear is thrown into the depth, which makes people generally terrified of looking at it.
What if we told you that the most common fear is the fear of fear itself, and when we face the fear it completely transforms? So allow the fear to be and look at it (we don't need to know the what, only feel the fear). By looking at it we put light to it and it dissolves.
When we go to the depth and allow to be released anything that comes up we start to know ourselves in the deep. Such as ancient memory, from happy lifetimes on Earth and in the Universe, innate abilities of the Soul, mysteries in connection to Self, creation and nature. That happens by relaxing, looking inside and accepting what comes. The body must relax in order to access in depth information. So it can attune to its own Truth and experience it before creating resistance. Anytime that we go into the do/think we go into electrical mode - the current moves to a certain direction in that action/thought, which can be different from the true path that heart truly wants. The magnetic is the part that receives, observes and listen to what receives.
So we have quieted reactivity and learned to listen and accepted what came. Now what?
The integration of the two energies are a third energy. That third energy has many names and it is branched out in many different lines of study in our World. Prana, Qi, Chi, lifeforce energy, orgone energy, Vril, quantum energy. All names are describing the absolute same thing, but it is brought like this to create confusion and tell them apart. The difference is the language, which culture originates it, what region that culture is from, what is available in that region, what materials are used, what beliefs do these people have. All of these influences on how this very same energy will be perceived, manipulated, observed, and applied for.
But this energy is SO SIMPLE. But SO SIMPLE. But SO SIMPLE. That has been under our eyes and within us all the time. This third energy is purely and simply Love. It is not love of Hollywood movies. It is now love between two people. Love is the energy that is the fabric of everything. It is everything that can make anything.
Within the limitations of polarity division and human trauma, Love is limited when we perceive only with material eyes. It is also limited when it is perceived only from a one on one relationship perspective.
If everything is built upon the energy of love, why aren't we just doing exactly what our hearts tells us to do all the time? Because it is ingrained that Love is not enough and that it is not safe to follow the heart. But if Love is actually what it creates everything, how can it not be enough? If everything is love? So through a sort of cosmic miopia we are never satisfied enough with what we have. Especially for being able to compare with others in an everlasting illusion of separation.
Masculine fire with feminine water births a third energy which is the Divine Child. It is the love. It is the Earth and Air that represents all the fertile soil for our ideas, lifetime, life experiences, creations. It is the Crystalline reality. It is love. And it creates everything.
That is the Alchemical Divine Union
So first in this journey we must allow ourselves to relax and heal by integrating into love all of our darknesses and fears. Even if they just did you apparent harm, at least you learned something. THEN. Now it's time to release them by sitting, relaxing and allowing the healing to occur. Really you don't have to do anything.
Second step is to learn to listen to the heart, by responding to subtle nudges of: go to sleep, go drink a coffee, go read that thing, go buy that flight ticket now. It all happens in the now, most of the time no planning is needed.
Third step is to meet everything with grace, knowing that thing is pure love and following the heart, even if it's needed to invite that pure love thing out of your life. It all happens in the heart so the heart will tell when it's time to say goodbye or call it a day. The problems happen when we don't listen to the heart and insist on situations out of fear of change.
By consistently focusing on the three steps and at the same time allowing to occur naturally, the natural interests and innate abilities of each person will start to bloom. And anytime the person focuses on that thing, either by action of tought (electrical) or by dreaming and setting intention (magnetic) that aspect will flow in one's life.
So in my vision this is the biggest secret to manifestation. Knowing everything is threefold and remaining in balance with the three. Dolores Cannon says that "Everything is Energy. And we come to Earth in order to learn to manipulate that". We are in the densest level of creation, being invited to express our Heart's desire into manifestation.
Be it to raise a child, create a community, write a book, teach something, whatever it is. Our best can only be done if it includes the massive spring of information coming from deep within us and above us. All of that can be accessed, experienced and expressed through the Heart.
Since we are experiencing great energetic shifts, more and more the success is being transformed into us being able to create with our hearts instead of against it.
Be in service to the deepest Truth of you, which is One with the All, and know that your deepest inspiration is very welcome and much needed at this moment on Earth.
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