You already hold the power of the all in its infinite creativity. Your being is the keeper of ancient codes which will be unveiled in the coming times. To realize and embody this takes only but one thing: the will to figure it out and serve it. You ask for it, choose to be it, and your life will respond accordingly.
Dissolution and surrender is like a death. At first, death seems scary and difficult. But through each death you'll learn to see that death is life. It is the true unique status of life, change. Change is a constant. Fear of death was implemented in our psyche so we won't want to embrace change in our daily lives. We will settle for a job, location and circumstance that may not be soul nourishing to support our loved ones and family. Or we settle for relationships that we see a lot of love in but we are not fully present. Or we even settle for a past that was sweet and became a powerful foundation for our memories and we are afraid to forget all we've been through and learned.
All stored information on our field, from desires for the future to the love for the past, to malevolent interference, will tamper our capacity to create. Reality is built and weaved in the now, only in the now. So we must clear away and remain as clear as possible in order to create from the new. Our thoughts of the past or of the future belong to the past, because they were built according to our current state of mind. States of mind belong to the past, because they are built within past data.
So this work can be done naturally by ourselves as we put intention and courage to let go. Anything stored in the field does not serve us, for real. The galactic light emanations from the Sun are also helping us clear the obsolete realities and be in full presence in the now. The goal and power of the Balsamic Sessions is to accelerate this process, especially for people who have been well connected to their current realities but are now feeling some changes.
The time is running quickly, helping us bring out the stored trauma and dense energies to the surface so they can be released. As it is released the open space that is left is used for dreaming the new, weave a new. The sleep is incredibly important too, because it is when we are under delta waves connecting, transmitting and receiving the highest information from the most expanded awareness.
We are on a mission here and if you feel like accelerating your multidimensional light work click here.